5,540 research outputs found

    Galaxy formation: from primordial fluctuations to structure formation in the Universe

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    Durante questa tesi studieremo principalmente i modelli di formazione di struttura nel universo di Press & Schechter(1974) e di White & Rees (1978), che spiegano la formazione galattica con un modello gerarchico di formazione di tutte le strutture cosmiche, dalla crescita delle piccole perturbazioni primordiali fino alla formazione della materia, e come essa si evolve per formare stelle e poi sistemi stellari, cioè, galassie. Una parte importante di questa tesi sarà dedicata a studiare la formazione di aloni di materia oscura, che sono vere e proprie buche di potenziale, in cui la materia barionica caderà per formare la galassia. Finalmente, studieremo la formazione di strutture luminose, come sono le stelle, al interno degli aloni di materia oscura ed a cos'è dovuto le diverse morfologie che vediamo in diverse galassie. Confronteremo i risultati più importanti dei modelli teorici studiati con dati osservativi ed esperimentali moderni

    Hugo Ball

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    _Traducción literaria de cinco poemas del poeta dadaísta Hugo Ball: Die Sonne, Der Henker, Versuchung des Heiligen Antonius, Cabaret y Totentantz, 1916

    Tom Schulz

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    _Traducción literaria de los poemas "Kanon vor dem Verschwinden", "Vom Zugrundegehen", "Psalm y "Acts of God", del poeta aleman Tom Schultz

    Robert Walser

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    Las Prosastücke o Prosas de Robert Walser fueron publicadas por primera vez en 1916, en los cuadernos Schriften für Schweizer Art und Kunst de la editorial Raschen, y una vez más, como volumen independiente, en 1917 por la misma casa editora. Vuelto autor de culto, remitimos al lector a los textos de escritores como Elías Canetti, Walter Benjamin o Roberto Calasso; este último afirma en “El sueño del calígrafo”, a propósito de su obra más conocida, Jakob von Gunten: “[Walser] dirige su mirada sobre todo a los acontecimientos minúsculos, a la vida diseminada, a todo lo que es irrelevante: el tono de las cosas que pasan y se borran por sí solas. A Walser el símbolo no le merece más que una sonrisa desdeñosa”

    Ingeborg Bachmann

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    Estos poemas de Ingeborg Bachmann (Klagenfurt, 1926-Roma, 1973) fueron escritos entre 1964 y 1967, y no fueron recopilados originalmente en libro alguno.1 Corresponden a una época de transición en la escritura de Bachmann, que servirá como preludio a la prosa fragmentaria y compleja de la novela Malina (1971)

    Ron Winkler

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    Traducción de poemas de Ron Winkler a cargo de Daniel Bencomo

    A Versatile Method of Resolution Enhancement for Tactile Sensor Array Used as Synthetic Skin: Modeling and Implementation

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    Tactile sensors are one of the major devices that enable robotic systems to interact with the surrounding environment. In particular, modern assistive robotic systems need to carry out many human-like activities. Thus, it is desired to have sensor arrays that can acquire different environmental information just like human skin. In the past two decades, various types of tactile sensor arrays have been developed to acquire different physical properties, such as temperature, force, and geometric shapes. However, though the measurement of a single sensor can be accurate, the planar resolution is limited due to fabrication difficulties. This research aims to propose a mathematical model to describe the behavior of a tactile sensor based on experimental and statistical analyses. Moreover, to develop a versatile algorithm that can be applied to different tactile sensor arrays to enhance the limited resolution. With the proposed algorithm, the resolution can be increased up to twenty times if multiple measurements are available.;To verify if the algorithm can be used for tactile sensor arrays that are used in robotic system, a 16 x 10 force sensing array (FSR) is adopted. The force was first measured by a scanning data acquisition device integrated by a synthesized electronic circuit, DAQ station and an interface developed using MATLAB. The acquired two dimensional measurements were then processed by the Proposed Resolution Enhancement Algorithm (PREA) to enhance the resolution. The proposed algorithm can be used to improve the resolution for single image or multiple measurements. In this study, the developed MATLAB scripts can automatically identify the location of the targeted objects if multiple measurements are recorded. As a result, the resolution of the sensor is increased and it can be used as synthetic skin to identify accurate shapes of objects and applied forces

    Friederike Mayröcker

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    Friederike Mayröcker (Viena, 1924). Poeta austriaca, una de las voces vivas más importantes del idioma alemán. Ha publicado cerca de cincuenta títulos entre prosa y poesía; algunos de sus libros más recientes son études (2013) y De los abrazos (Von den Umarmungen, 2012). Ha sido galardonada con el Premio Peter Huchel (2010) y el Premio Georg Büchner (2001). Desde 1954 fue compañera sentimental del también escritor y poeta Ernst Jandl, hasta la muerte de éste acaecida en el año 2000. Los poemas que aquí presento fueron tomados del sitio web Lyrikline. Listen to the poet!, plataforma virtual dedicada a la poesía alemana y a la traducción de poesía en distintos idiomas